any ideas? its pretty much impossible...
you will unfortunatly have to work your way from the beginning of the tim tang test to get here 'cause im not allowed to tell you the password for this level...but all the levels before this are pretty easy so you should be ok...
Friday, December 28
lol <:o) brb :'(
Posted by mcfedr at 1:18 pm 0 comments
Sunday, December 23
Saturday, December 15
Mugabe's Zimbabwe
So yea, how right is the archbishop?
- "Pretty terrible for most people"
- "Hundreds of thousands are going hungry."
- -annual inflation rate is 3,700%
- bread, sugar, petrol are often not available in local shops.
- The US and the EU imposed targeted sanctions on Mr Mugabe and his close associates
- African countries have been reluctant to openly criticise Mr Mugabe
Posted by mcfedr at 4:19 am 0 comments
Thursday, November 8
fi yuo cna raed tihs...
...yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too
Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.
i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
Posted by mcfedr at 12:18 am 1 comments
Tuesday, October 30
An Overview of Great Lakes Outreach
I once met this guy, and he gave a very hard hitting talk. I still recieve his prayer letters, and they are always full of the amazing stories of Gods works in Brundi. But along with the amazing miracles, there are always really sad stories of the terrible things happening there.
Pray for these people, pray for Gods work and those doing it.
Posted by mcfedr at 4:45 pm 0 comments
Thursday, October 25
Bush pledges to keep Cuba embargo
A few of my favorite snippets from the artical
- "Mr Bush said he looked forward to a world without Cuban leader Fidel Castro" - and im sure many people look forward to a world without Mr Bush
- "Cuba rejected Mr Bush's appeal and accused him of promoting violence to bring about a change of regime." - Well if you read the next quote...
- "It is a confirmation that the current policy of the Bush regime is regime change in Cuba, including through the use of force," - You'll find that despite the failures of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, that America has yet to learn its lesson on force other countries to accept their ideas.
- "Mr Bush spoke of citizens there who, he said, had no freedom of employment or expression, who lived in dire circumstances and who feared beatings for pursuing the lives they wanted." - Again, Im sure many Americans feel themselves in similarly desperate situations
- "Mr Bush mentioned the names of dissidents who had been imprisoned for long terms, harassed or persecuted for speaking out against the Cuban communist regime." - Like those at Gantanamo bay
- "The dissidents of today will be the nation's leaders," - We could rephrase "This to the terrorists of today will be the nation's leaders" - and get an interesting view on this war on terror...
Posted by mcfedr at 2:14 am 0 comments
Official quits over Iraq security
I find something quite bizzare about a job where the moment anything goes wrong, you run away. Even if nothing happend, but you get a few complaints you are expected to leave.
Posted by mcfedr at 2:00 am 0 comments
Tuesday, October 16
London Baby
Well, not much in the news to write about, at least i havnt read it for about 3 weeks, so have no idea if there is...thats mostly 'cause ive been really busy livin' it up in london!
Posted by mcfedr at 1:49 am 1 comments
Wednesday, October 10
Thursday, September 27
Modern Democracy
Just reading this and thinking of the possible fun...
But more seriously, maybe the idea of representational goverment is outdated...what if laws, policy's, budgets... could be proposed, debated, and ultimatly written by everyone and anyone? No need to vote for someone to represent your views in a parliment of 500 odd people, everyone gets their say, the loudest voice wins...
Posted by mcfedr at 12:29 am 0 comments
Team America: World Police
Maybe they would do better to sort some of the problems back home...come on, killing your own citizens is abit extreme...
- Since 1973, 124 prisoners have been released in the USA after evidence emerged of their innocence of the crimes for which they were sentenced to death. There were six such cases in 2004, two in 2005, one in 2006 and one so far in 2007. Some prisoners had come close to execution after spending many years under sentence of death. Recurring features in their cases include prosecutorial or police misconduct; the use of unreliable witness testimony, physical evidence, or confessions; and inadequate defence representation. Other US prisoners have gone to their deaths despite serious doubts over their guilt. The state of Florida has the highest number of exonerations: 22.
- In 2004, New York's highest court found the state's death penalty statute unconstitutional. By early 2007, this law had not been replaced.
- Around 3,350 prisoners were under sentence of death as of 1 January 2007.
Facts taken from AI
Posted by mcfedr at 12:16 am 0 comments
Wednesday, September 26
War Money
just some interesting notes about how much money america spends on its "defense"/attaking of other countries...for this year $190 Billion...
i just want to compare this to some others things...
- england...$66 Billion
- as a percentage of total spent money...graph US, graph UK
- compared to GDP (the value of all final goods and services produced within a nation in a given year) of countries...
- Portugal - $192 Billion, so thats portugals total income, for the year, slightly more than US gov. spends on defense each year
- Kiribati - $0.007 Billion - never heard of it ether, but the bottom most on the list...
- more than the GDP of all but 3 african countries
Posted by mcfedr at 11:31 pm 0 comments
Saturday, August 25
Paralysed Gaza girl faces uncertain future
Just reading this story...its really sad...and a reminder of the kinds of things that are happening to real people in this and other parts of the world everyday. I can imagine at the time this happenned, probably lots of news stories about the leader of the armed Islamic Jihad movement, who was killed outright, but nothing about the small girl, paralysed, most of her family killed...and all the other people who were killed, stop living, and are no more...their families, that now have to move on and live without that person. Parents who's children have been killed, children who's parents are killed...
we should remember these people more...when we talk about whether the war in Iraq was a good idea or not politically, remember what it has done to all the people living in Iraq...Pray for these people, they need our help, God's help.
Posted by mcfedr at 10:05 pm 0 comments
Friday, August 24
Child star wins university place
Yea, and unfortunatly its not me...but how crazy is this...9 year old kid goes to uni...for free an' all...surely not good for his real life..
but hey...something for the facebook readers...
Posted by mcfedr at 9:45 pm 0 comments
Tuesday, August 21
The Black Button
Can't remember if i already posted this, but its really good, so check it out if you havn't already seen it...
Posted by mcfedr at 9:26 pm 0 comments
Yea, you have noticed mention of 3 projects in the last post...thats because just before we went to Siberia, we have MI7 in Cherkassy, "The Treasures of the Heart". This is the project that for the last 7/8 months I have been planning with a team of 4 others. And I can genuinely say it was a great project, about 150 young people from around the world came everyday for a week, ran around the city searching for treasure by day, and spending the evening's finding their spiritual treasure through some inspiring worship, the like of which has never been seen in Cherkassy before, and some great talks from Dave, not that we expect any less from him ;)
There were of course some difficultly, you don't forget you are in Ukraine trying to keep the project going smoothly, but clearly God prevailed, the project went on, and for the young people there were no noticeable problems, we hope. As a team we spent everyday running around after our people, helping them to solve clue's which had seemed so simple to us, and yet seem to lose completely all our beautiful, but not so clever Ukrainian kids...
On the final day all the teams where gathered on the beach to dig up the treasure that had been buried in late February, and exciting moment for all, especially the team the won!
A few days later our foreign teams left, going home for another year, always sad, but as more and more people keep coming back there are less tears, and more just bye, see you next time...
Posted by mcfedr at 8:35 pm 0 comments
So I'm home...feeling i should write somethings, having been away for about 3 weeks...I've been to Siberia, to Irkutsk and some local villages...had an amazing time, maybe if you ask me I'll tell you all about it...
A team of 7 of us went, mostly Ukrainians, except me and Tim...the first week we were there we were running a 'camp' in a children's shelter, orphanage place. There we mostly had lots of fun, playing games, doing crafty things with the children. Ranging from about 5 to 16 it was quite a spread of different people and different needs. We talked each day about a different theme to everyone, but clearly there were different things to be done for 5 years boys and 16 year old girls. It was quite a tiering week, though really rewarding and I'm sure we made a difference, in many ways, to all the children in the shelter.
The second week we where on a real camp. Not far out of Irkutsk, but in a place with nothing, except the river and forest. We had about 25 young people in total, where cooking on a fire, staying in tents, a great way to spend time getting to know people. It turns out that only about 5/6 of the people there are non-Christians, so i think they were under quite a bit of pressure, but in a good way. Time was spent in 2 small groups, worship, various topics and talks, prayer, and just relaxing together. Everybody took there turn at getting up early and cooking, spend the day making the fire and always having tea ready...Other the course of the week much was said, and all the non-Christians said they were going to think more seriously about God, Jesus, go to church and although there was no direct calling for becoming Christians, they had defiantly been changed by the camp, it is now up to the local churches to follow that up...
We came back very tired, after 3 projects, time to get some rest, get over jet lag, having learned a lot about ourselves, how to be a leader in these types of projects, and with a new something of God.
Posted by mcfedr at 8:07 pm 0 comments
Thursday, July 12
More iPhone/general us mobile companys
dev to all you americans, glad i dont live in a country like this...just hope mine dont end up like this...england is coming to close, ukraine mostly isnt...i cant imagine having to pay for some of these things, to recieve calls and sms's, and such limits on unlimited plans...i dont have a contact, dont pay for any calls within my network, and every $5 i spend i get 50 free sms' thats a good deal...
Posted by mcfedr at 10:59 pm 0 comments
Tuesday, July 10
Thursday, July 5
California inspires US revolt on climate
The best thing to come out of America for along time...(except all my wonderful american friends who know i love them, and its nothing personal, but there country is just abit...)
Some great things here, final admitting that global warming happens, now that its burnt down half the state...
I like this guy "I cycle, but mainly because of the war - I'm opposed to the war, to going in and killing people to take oil. I have a Mercedes, but I'm not going to drive it till this war's over."
Another, about the excessive heat - "My food used to spoil, the fridges used to shut down, all my cookies melted and it was unbelievable - I'll never forget it."
It seems that alot of the new laws focus alot on industry which is good, one thing which might be interesting to see is with the use of cars, from what ive gathered public transport pretty much doesnt exist in most of america, so getting people to change from their SUV's is going to be hard word. Its weird when i compare to Ukraine, where very few people have cars, and everyone use's public transport to get everywhere, right from the city's to the villages (although public transport there is borrowing the neighbors donkey ;)
We'll see...maybe things will get better.
Posted by mcfedr at 2:26 pm 0 comments
Wednesday, July 4
A new, improved, much better quality release of PhoneyBible has been compleated. Check out the site for your trail version now!
This new version has been much improved, an all new look, a new search feature, and online customisation.
As readers of my blog, i would like to offer you the use of a discount, making PhoneyBible $5 cheaper...enter 'PH_Blog_Readers_Discount' into the code box on the buy now page
Posted by mcfedr at 12:29 pm 1 comments
Tuesday, July 3
And now some of our oldest specimins...
check out number 11...
"Christine Mellor was at the Yorkshire Air Museum", northern people seem to come up with the best money making ideas...
looks like ive been missing out on alot of fun in england...the street looked abit like #18 for about 30 mins here...but it was so hot it dryed out...
Posted by mcfedr at 10:34 am 0 comments
"..robbing US recording companies of sales"
-Stick 'em up!
-Yeah - git your hands in the air!
-We heard you got some "sales"
-No funny business - hand em over - slowly!
-That's right - nice and slow, and no-one will get hurt...
Posted by mcfedr at 10:26 am 0 comments
Monday, June 25
US man loses $54m trousers claim
Been reading about alot of crap rececently
- US man loses $54m trousers claim
- google may close gmail germany over privacy concerns google
- Note crap about the german law more than google... - - Its just not funny, it should be, maybe someone could explain it to me and it might be
- FBI to restrict student freedoms
- Mac Rumors - Just generaly a crap website full of crap about nothing
- Plastic bag revolt spreads across Britain - Just not news, everyone knows its a problem, no one gonna do anything about it anyway, simple, do what they do here, charge 50p a bag at the super market ;), still wouldnt solve the problem
- 'Has the vice president gone too far?' - Stupid question
- Viewing American class divisions through Facebook and MySpace
- Id have thought this was obvious
Basicaly the lack of anything interesting to read, that i havnt won a game of settlers for about a month, and a few other things, im pretty miserable, on the other had i have nearly finished a new phoneybible, and im hoping to become rich, though in my current crap mood i dont expect anything
Posted by mcfedr at 8:57 pm 0 comments
Friday, June 22
Wednesday, June 20
С День Розденя Меня!
So its been my birthday...been kinda fun...thanks to everyone who said hi, gave presents, all very much apreciated...i had a fairly regular day...though Sanik's suprise party was of course very cool...great to see all my friends...shame none of by british friends made it, lazy people ;) so im 19 now...kinda strange...but not really...nothing feels radicaly different, yet...its funny to think about how things have changed since my last birthday...i was just finishing college, doing exams...and now im in Ukraine, reading my cards in russian, just got back from Moscow, and really not to keen on the idea of going to england after the summer...defenitly not liking the idea of studying either...kinda scared that i cant remember anything, nor will be able to study, having spent a year partying, with a little work etc...
but hey...see you around people...споконий ночь!
Posted by mcfedr at 12:19 am 0 comments
Friday, June 15
Спасибо Motherfuckers!
So just got back from MCR gig in moscow...generaly is cool...the train is not...gig was fun...some pics on flickr...will prob listen to more mcr now..having not listened to much before the and dasha pretty much pushed ourselves right to the front for the last half hour...that was cool...funny watching the russian police, standing there so seriously with hundreds of people going crazy in front of them...
other than that, had fun seeing abit of moscow, traveled around abit, got lost abit...generaly square is much smaller than you might think...didnt see any mcdonals in eat much really...still need to find something...;)
Posted by mcfedr at 3:08 pm 0 comments
Monday, June 11
And you brits moan about heavy rain...
Just felt the need to write something...havnt for awhile...
Posted by mcfedr at 10:51 pm 0 comments
Monday, June 4
Behind the scenes of 'The War on Terror'
It is seen by the Bush administration as a vital tool in the "war on terror". It is one that enables suspects who are not US citizens to be interrogated and held, indefinitely if necessary, in a US-controlled territory but not subject to normal US court rules.In the news today a story from Guantanamo, a reminder that for about 400 people life in the prison camp goes on, without an hope of a fair trail or release.
Maybe its time that in a world of international police someone starts knocking on America's door. How is that America is allowed, even encouraged to kick the butt of terrorist nations, but no-one cares about the means, peoples fundamental human rights are being taken away in the name of The War on Terror.
Posted by mcfedr at 6:43 pm 0 comments
100th Post
So this is the 100th post on my blog since i started it some time last year...
not got much else to say...
anybody following Mission Impossible should know that lots and lots of new things are being done over the next 50 days leading up to the project...lots of secrets...excitement...
the treasure is already buried so if your really keen you could go and look for it...its somewhere around...nearby...;-)
other than is good...Alyona came around yesterday, with about 10 of her friend, was slightly bizzare...
Posted by mcfedr at 9:48 am 0 comments
Sunday, June 3
Are You A True 90's Kid?
for facebook people...a group where a scary number of things are true for me....though i suppose its not suprising, i did grow up in the 90's, but still its weird...all those things which are gone...forever....the past is sad...
Posted by mcfedr at 12:16 am 0 comments
Saturday, June 2
Meeting the world's heaviest man
and this is just just how did he eat that the last year he lots twice my weight...
Posted by mcfedr at 8:11 pm 0 comments
Pole wakes up from 19-year coma
how flipping wierd must this be? after 19 years in a comma, to wake up....just imagine his wife when he suddenly gets up!
Posted by mcfedr at 8:03 pm 0 comments
Wednesday, May 30
Some Life...
the other day i was gonna right how id been swimming in the dnipr for the first time this summer...i have since been 2 more times...its nice...i might have some pics, cant remember, if i do they will be on flickr very soon im sure...
also been to kiev, getting me a russian visa, going atraveling...going to a concert of a band i dont know very much, but also to see moscow...the red square and anything else i can find, i also get to spend about 36 hours playing cards with sanik, dasha and alyona...
was hoping to be able to go to siberia, but that is seeming less likey, at least i would need to do another, which seems like a lot of effort,is alot of im thinking no...
also need to start plans for my sea trip...
was talking to mum on skype, she finaly, ive been here about 10 months, managed to do cool, maybe we will do it again sometime...
finished watch green wing today...i love it, sanik doesnt get it at all which seems strange, its clearly more culturaly than i think...
what else...saw pirates of carabian 3, the (cherkasy) premier, last week...very cool...a nice evening...first time in the cinema here actually, its a nice place, nicer than most place's at home...unfortunatly the film was in ukrainian, a language im not so great at, but i watched it again in english today, was pretty much the same...less cool...kinda annoying, most of the films are in russian, and the one time i want to go its in ukrainian...ah well..
well thats life at the moment...going to mission impossible meeting tomorrow...always fun...cya
Posted by mcfedr at 10:30 pm 1 comments
Scary People in Scary Places
How does a guy like this get into/stay in any kind of power...
Some of his best lines
- "There needs to be leadership from the White House because some in Congress don’t understand the complexity of these issues." - now i dont know alot about america system of goverment, but how i understand people is that a big group who argue it out probably understand anything better than a man who stuggles to speak
- He notes that immigration has become a national security issue since 9/11 - how? wha? am i missing something, or is this guy trying jump onto the 'scarying people into voting for you' band wagon
- "We need a league of democracies to act against Iran" - sounds good, but wait...adding that we should impose our own sanctions against Iranians outside of the U.N. - but when the league of democracies does agree without just ignore it?
- "Our oil supply is in danger"
- This is my personal...well the worst, most...unbelievable, when asked if he believes people deserve the right to habeas corpus - "Yes. But only Americans, not military combatants" - who votes for this guy?
Posted by mcfedr at 9:42 pm 0 comments
Tuesday, May 29
Sunday, May 27
Admision of crapness
After years of them saying it was perfect...and everyone else saying it sucked, now they finaly admit it, windows xp is rubbish...of course, dont believe everything they say, i dont think vista has fixed all the problems, and of course there are all the problems they didnt have time to fix, and so just arnt mentioned...
Posted by mcfedr at 9:22 pm 0 comments
Saturday, May 26
Just for reference
An interesting list, noted that its based on the regiems of hitler, mussolini etc...interesting how many parral's can be draw to modern day england, america, maybe others...(for the last point see here)
I look and imediatly start thinking ooo...but then, im not sure how much of that is new, or has always been, certainly the first few points...about goverment using fear to justify things that normaly would be unaceptable...removing human rights because 'we need to protect against...', 'they could, possibly, maybe, bombs, wmd's, terroists...'. is
Posted by mcfedr at 8:43 pm 0 comments
Wednesday, May 23
Coolest Haircut
most bizzare place to get haircut...
btw, ukrtelecom...ur internet is very slow today...but it might be cause i finished the first season of green wing this morning...
Posted by mcfedr at 5:40 pm 0 comments
Iran...and all the surrounding rubbish...
This report and others like it are kinda interesting...
I think on one level i agree that iran gettting nuclear weapons is bad...but at the same time have this constant annoyance, that 'we', america, the uk, and many other nation's also have nuclear weapons, that it is compleatly hipocritical for us to be so agaisnt iran's aquisition of nuc's. But also i do wonder about iran's intentions, why, in a world that has mostly moved past the nuc, do they feel the need if they dont have some reason. Surely they know the massive problems they will have if they just want them for the sake of having them, and being an 'equal' with the west.
So i wonder what others think? should we continue to be hipocrits, or should we try to stop Iran, with quite probably bad intentions, from achieving the power gained from having the threat, which will be taken much more seriously than that of the uk, us, and russia's
Posted by mcfedr at 5:14 pm 0 comments
Tuesday, May 22
For my jealos sister...
Posted by mcfedr at 3:49 pm 1 comments
Ukrainian Campaining
I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday, she had just come back from Kiev where she had been at the lasted protest's...but the funny thing is that she says she doesnt support the issue, but was paid 80grn per day to go. She says the majority of people there are like her, just going for the money...sure there is someone who supports it, and when there are lots of people there many are genuine, but this just give you an idea of what is really behind street protests and people camping out in Kyiv...
Posted by mcfedr at 1:12 pm 0 comments
Coming back from budapest
crazy things for those who know tom brydn, there is a guy on a bus in kiev who looks just like him...very strange...
Posted by mcfedr at 1:11 pm 0 comments
Crazy Things...
Much going on in the world...this is just a reminder of an issue which i think has been forgotten, that the stupid people still let you walk around with a gun, there have been several recent events like this, surely some kinda ban on guns like in most countries has got to be a good idea...surel it wont compleatly get rid of gun crime, but would make a differnce.
Posted by mcfedr at 11:43 am 0 comments
Sunday, May 20
There have been lots of posts today, and i feel like having another to celebrate, im going to sleep now, so that is all...but maybe ill keep this up, prob not tomorrow as i will be traveling most of the day...but maybe later...i kinda like this blogging thing, would be even nicer if i knew people read this crap...
Posted by mcfedr at 11:46 pm 0 comments
'Start pushing', passengers asked
This is would never get this from british people...
and on this note, i have, as i travel around abit, come across so many people's and place's which i like so much better than england, im really not looking forward to going back there and thinking about looking into maybe studing abroad, though it might be too late to apply...
Posted by mcfedr at 11:43 pm 0 comments
Nice Pics
Often 'read' the news in pictures, i like here the quote, John Smith said that after 50 years it was a sad day for Annan residents, not only is john smith the most obvious fake name ever, but it seems a typical english thing, they probalby compained so much before it was there, then hated it, until now, they want to/are, knocking it down, and now its sad...
Posted by mcfedr at 11:37 pm 0 comments
More hipocrasy from the worlds police
A short one, the artical makes the point, but some needs to be done about this, its not right...
Posted by mcfedr at 11:34 pm 0 comments
The backward way of the world
I saw this in the morning. Its an interesting report, maybe full of lots of hype, but all the same the message seems to be a scary one, and one of a trend in this new world, full of fear and untrust. The big democracy's of the west using fear as an excuss to gather more power around one person and removing some basic rights of their people, as in the anti-terroism laws in the uk allowing people to be held for longer and longer without trial.
things like this i find more scary than actaul terroism, which seems to be more one off, and, hopfully, wont affect me. In many ways these laws are achiving the aims of 'terroists' to ruin our, fairly, peaceful lives...
I think the US's reaction to this is scary for the whole world, i think something needs to be done to stop them, the uk just ridding along with them isnt going to help. France did a good thing standing firmly agaisnt the war in iraq, and look at the bragging rights it gives them now.
Although its not going to happen, it would be good to see big organisations such as the UN, NATO, maybe the EU standing up to the US and UK, telling them they cannot break the treaties, and for them to put some force into their words, trade sanctions, exclusion from desisions, whatever it takes to make these countries realise that their authority stops at their borders.
Posted by mcfedr at 10:51 pm 1 comments
Fedr's Music
This is cool, alittle page with some of my favourite music. Currently mostly all time favourites, but im sure to change them as i get new stuff and expand into new genres...which i seem to do alot...
Music is great, i personaly listen to music for probably, well all the time im at home, alot of the time when im traveling and some other times. Its weird to be without it, and i find it very odd when i go to peoples homes and they dont listen to music, if you come to my place there will always be music, you might even get a say in what i play. My tastes are very much influensed by my friends, but what i listen to moment to moment depends alot on how im feeling, but then the music will also affect how i feel.
I also love to play music, i, badly, play gitar (i cant even spell the word...any hints people?(i would use the spell checker, but thats for losers, i know its wrong, but just cant remember how it goes...)) and enjoy to play along to songs, and constantly to worship god. It has become really important for me, most days to sing, to play, just one or two songs sometimes, sometimes for an hour. Its always been a big part of my relationship with god.
Its funny i never used to listen to much christian music, but i listen to more and more now, certainly not exclusivly, i think that would be very sad, but sometimes it can be really great.
Well yea, thats one of the longest posts ever, from victors appartment in budapest...check out pics on flickr (see previous post...)
Posted by mcfedr at 10:42 pm 0 comments
Saturday, May 19
met lots of crazy people yesterday, people seem to come from all over to this univercity...going to a party later viktor's engagment party...should be fun...see ya...
Posted by mcfedr at 5:36 pm 0 comments
Wednesday, May 16
New Website
so as the name was up for renewal i decided it would be better to get something new, abit my blog will move, to, and phoneybible will move to or something...maybe, kinda long, ok,
Posted by mcfedr at 7:33 am 0 comments
Sunday, May 13
Haning out at the dacher
not much to say, other than it was kinda fun, we spent the night dancing around the fire, playing cards and table tennis, abit more dancing...generaly kinda cool...
sure was tired when i came home next day, hoping to sleep early, and sanik has already invited around pep's to watch a movie...joker..
Posted by mcfedr at 8:49 am 0 comments
Tuesday, May 1
как я любью морожено...шоколадный....ммм....толко был у наш 24 часовый магазин...щас скучно фильм смотрю, но с морженое все норомално...
ну споконый ночь...все
Posted by mcfedr at 8:52 pm 0 comments
Monday, April 9
Easter Day Pictures
Posted by mcfedr at 12:13 pm 0 comments
Good Morning...
I already cant remember what i wrote...yesterday? but feeling good today...i just slept for about 12 hours...on my bed tonight, wheras yesterday i only slept 4 hours, on the floor, in a space way to small...
been doing a little work this morning, for about an hour since i got up...crazy...then tim sent me this link and i got all distracted by wifey asking whoes head i would get in if i could get in any head, and i think her's just cause its so crazy...might be kinda exciting...
anyway...back to less important things than my unread blog...
Posted by mcfedr at 11:52 am 0 comments
Sunday, April 8
so today was what up at 5am and the bus stop and took a bus to the hill of glory...watched the beautiful sun rise over the dnipre river, and later over the clouds which filled the sky...was pretty much cool...unfortunatly no loads of chocalate..but who cares...more important things around at easter...then spent all day playing tennis, later football and table tennis...
Posted by mcfedr at 3:29 pm 0 comments
Friday, March 30
Blind Date
Posted by mcfedr at 3:54 pm 0 comments
So ive been kinda busy...trying to do everything that needs doing before dave comes back from england lots of mi stuff etc...
played frisbe again yesterday with yarina and some random guy who was out in our yard...didnt even find out his name...
but when we were playing at hill of glory met some nice people, played with some, said they might come back place to play...
Posted by mcfedr at 3:48 pm 0 comments
Tuesday, March 27
толка был в вера универ...итерестий...они много спрашели о англиский еда
Posted by mcfedr at 4:33 pm 0 comments
Чучу по русском?
Ну, как скажал, хоту я по русском чучу пичать. Я думаю будит хорошо за мое русский и неверно вы можете утить себе чучу :-). Ну что скажать? не энаю...севодня у меня все нормално, я должен робортаю ну не хочу...пятаму я сдес пичаю...
Posted by mcfedr at 1:54 pm 0 comments
Im thinking this blog has been suffering abit recently, in the last few months...maybe 6 or 7. I've been a busy man, or at least trying to be, and general I just forget to blog...which is sad, 'cause its kinda cool, thou few people have ever read it, my one or two readers (toddy) were special to me...
So, ive been thinking i will try and have a mini revival, maybe try to write something here at least every few days about my exciting life, also try and include some pics, flickr is often updated with bits of my life...i'd also like to try writing abit in russian, so if you see something you cant read, thats what it is...
So, a quick look throu the last 6 months, to get up upto date, ive been having the most fun ever, living with the best people and never stopping...ive been doing lots for the upcoming mission impossible, ive been working abit, making a website, nearly done a second...ive joined facebook, and spent way to much time there, join if you havnt already, its great...
k, see you...
Posted by mcfedr at 12:12 pm 0 comments
Wednesday, March 14
Ukraine is game to you!?
Not sure if ive posted this before...
also, this is the first post in along time, maybe this will be a long awated revival...
but anyway...this is genius
Posted by mcfedr at 1:27 pm 0 comments
Wednesday, January 17
Something intersting
lots of intersting points, living now in ukraine i see alot of the
stuff about the soviet union is true, i dont know about america, but,
its belivable...
Posted by mcfedr at 2:07 pm 0 comments