Thursday, October 25

Bush pledges to keep Cuba embargo


A few of my favorite snippets from the artical

  • "Mr Bush said he looked forward to a world without Cuban leader Fidel Castro" - and im sure many people look forward to a world without Mr Bush
  • "Cuba rejected Mr Bush's appeal and accused him of promoting violence to bring about a change of regime." - Well if you read the next quote...
  • "It is a confirmation that the current policy of the Bush regime is regime change in Cuba, including through the use of force," - You'll find that despite the failures of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, that America has yet to learn its lesson on force other countries to accept their ideas.
  • "Mr Bush spoke of citizens there who, he said, had no freedom of employment or expression, who lived in dire circumstances and who feared beatings for pursuing the lives they wanted." - Again, Im sure many Americans feel themselves in similarly desperate situations
  • "Mr Bush mentioned the names of dissidents who had been imprisoned for long terms, harassed or persecuted for speaking out against the Cuban communist regime." - Like those at Gantanamo bay
  • "The dissidents of today will be the nation's leaders," - We could rephrase "This to the terrorists of today will be the nation's leaders" - and get an interesting view on this war on terror...

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