Saturday, August 25

Paralysed Gaza girl faces uncertain future


Just reading this story...its really sad...and a reminder of the kinds of things that are happening to real people in this and other parts of the world everyday. I can imagine at the time this happenned, probably lots of news stories about the leader of the armed Islamic Jihad movement, who was killed outright, but nothing about the small girl, paralysed, most of her family killed...and all the other people who were killed, stop living, and are no more...their families, that now have to move on and live without that person. Parents who's children have been killed, children who's parents are killed...
we should remember these people more...when we talk about whether the war in Iraq was a good idea or not politically, remember what it has done to all the people living in Iraq...Pray for these people, they need our help, God's help.

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