Wednesday, May 23

Iran...and all the surrounding rubbish...


This report and others like it are kinda interesting...
I think on one level i agree that iran gettting nuclear weapons is bad...but at the same time have this constant annoyance, that 'we', america, the uk, and many other nation's also have nuclear weapons, that it is compleatly hipocritical for us to be so agaisnt iran's aquisition of nuc's. But also i do wonder about iran's intentions, why, in a world that has mostly moved past the nuc, do they feel the need if they dont have some reason. Surely they know the massive problems they will have if they just want them for the sake of having them, and being an 'equal' with the west.
So i wonder what others think? should we continue to be hipocrits, or should we try to stop Iran, with quite probably bad intentions, from achieving the power gained from having the threat, which will be taken much more seriously than that of the uk, us, and russia's

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