Sunday, May 20

The backward way of the world


I saw this in the morning. Its an interesting report, maybe full of lots of hype, but all the same the message seems to be a scary one, and one of a trend in this new world, full of fear and untrust. The big democracy's of the west using fear as an excuss to gather more power around one person and removing some basic rights of their people, as in the anti-terroism laws in the uk allowing people to be held for longer and longer without trial.
things like this i find more scary than actaul terroism, which seems to be more one off, and, hopfully, wont affect me. In many ways these laws are achiving the aims of 'terroists' to ruin our, fairly, peaceful lives...
I think the US's reaction to this is scary for the whole world, i think something needs to be done to stop them, the uk just ridding along with them isnt going to help. France did a good thing standing firmly agaisnt the war in iraq, and look at the bragging rights it gives them now.
Although its not going to happen, it would be good to see big organisations such as the UN, NATO, maybe the EU standing up to the US and UK, telling them they cannot break the treaties, and for them to put some force into their words, trade sanctions, exclusion from desisions, whatever it takes to make these countries realise that their authority stops at their borders.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Was thinking this just other day. America has a crappy economy... so why the hell can they control world events so well? Is it really their army that we're are all affraid of, if so why? They can't attack the whole world all at once. I think it was the we are to comfortable to try to stop global warming thing that got me though. -JIM