Friday, April 28


Originally uploaded by fedr.
This is kwon...isn't he cool...

Friday, April 21

The Big Chase


This is what we did on thursday afternoon...its great, edited this eve and here it is, for the world to see. This stars Alex Chart, great friend of ours making his debu on Monster Studios. He hasnt seen this yet but im sure he will soon. so, get downloading viewers...

Thursday, April 20

The All-Seeing Eye of Triangulation


Just been reading this on webmink...

How to feed 5000 People


So here i am, back from my travels abroad and sat in college on a rainy thursday morning.
Belgum was fun. to be honest there isnt much happening in brussels...a few pubs, shops etc. didnt buy any chocolate, but did have loads of nice belgum beers, they make some nice stuff over there. but really brussels was lacking in entertainment, esp as we were on abit of a budget (ie dont spend unless you realy have to). some fun was had on the metro/tram and trying to find our way home. we also played french ckricket in the woods just outside brus.

i read recently about how jesus "walked on water". some people rekcon he might have been walking on ice flows. not wanting to dis the "scientists" to much, but surly, in the desert, ie big hot place, doesnt seem all the likly...
and following on from this, talking to simon phipps, we developed a (far more plosable) phery of how jesus fed 5000 people with only five loves of bread and 2 (i think) fish.
Basicaly, take just the last bit of french stick, and but back in the bag. you now have a rabbit/bird killing thing... now just leave the fish out near a convenient rabbit hole and (a bit like "splat the rat" and other similar church fete atractions) hit them over the head, sorted...

Tuesday, April 11

Travel. Be it international, interplanetery or where ever...

yo there fred watchers,
hows life on the wild side? done anything insane yet this week?
im going to belgium tomorrow!! yes thats right folks, BELGIUM!!!!
any hitch hiker fans should have already turned away in disgust, and no doubt the rest of you wont be far behind.
profanities such as that just shouldnt be treated with such casual abandon. Its not right or proper.
If you know me, (fred) you'll no doubt appreciate the extent to which indecent language and behaviour offends me.
and get this, these crazy european mainlanders went and named their country with this word!! whats that about?

"why belgium?" i hear you cry. and of course, i dont really have a good answer... we're going to hunt nutella, the BIG jars.
these jars are, " big. REALLY big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big" they are "I mean, you may think it's a long way down the street to the chemist, but that's just peanuts to" these jars of nutella.
so its a pretty important trip you see...

if you have any particularly worthwhile opinions on the subjects of a) nutella
b) Belgium or
c) The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy (not the film, yeauch)
then let me know, and i'll have a look, have a laugh and maybe even publish one or two... but probably not.

over and out

Fred VI

Saturday, April 1

Northern lights

Northern lights 10
Originally uploaded by Island_Kerstin.
this is a very cool picture...



its april to strange is that, i forgot to do anything as in april fools...jens not working so rob is unhappy about not being able to go mock her..and now we are listneing to queen...thats cool. rob hasnt listened to this in ages aparently...



its april to strange is that, i forgot to do anything as in april fools...jens not working so rob is unhappy about not being able to go mock her..and now we are listneing to queen...thats cool. rob hasnt listened to this in ages aparently...


Originally uploaded by fedr.
This is really wierd. take a look, they jut keep moving...its not animated or anything, just weird...