Friday, March 10



This thing is joke, they run around the world, telling people what to do, being the worlds police, and yet, they are still breaking the rules themselves...someone, probalbly with a big army, needs to so something about it...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

America is just insane,

Only we America (the only contry ever to actually use WMD's) are allowed to decide who can and cannot have WMD.

and yet these WMD are not quite enough are they, we need to develop more destructive weapons.

But Wait we have no more oil! ohh wait look Iraq has oil and even though it had NOTHING to do with 9/11 and the reason for invading was they have WMD then it changed to They are creating WMD to We came to libberate Iraq from Saddam and give them democrasy, even though i dont ever remember Iraq asking for democrasy and the fact that democrasy is actually abhorrant to some people in the middle east.

i think Peter from the hit cartoon sitcom 'family guy' said it best

"You Know what Really Grinds My Gears!? You America, F**K You!"