Thursday, March 16

Another Shorty


Yea this is short, but cool, i like it and i didnt even make it, mike did! aly did the sound or so he says...
what else can i write today...mike passed his test!! how cool is that...we went to the forest for a drive and a run around oh the fun we're gonna have. laser guns, films...yea
still have seen lukey p, i reckon he's prob abit miffed, espes as al made abit of a mess of his garden.
i finished my computing c/w, thats cool, no more work for me....and i got thou to national finals of computing olimpiad, w/e it is, im not really sure but it sounds cool, not sure if im gonna go, 2 days in cambrige with a bunch of geeks...oh well. take a look at pete..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is ace.