Just reading this story...its really sad...and a reminder of the kinds of things that are happening to real people in this and other parts of the world everyday. I can imagine at the time this happenned, probably lots of news stories about the leader of the armed Islamic Jihad movement, who was killed outright, but nothing about the small girl, paralysed, most of her family killed...and all the other people who were killed, stop living, and are no more...their families, that now have to move on and live without that person. Parents who's children have been killed, children who's parents are killed...
we should remember these people more...when we talk about whether the war in Iraq was a good idea or not politically, remember what it has done to all the people living in Iraq...Pray for these people, they need our help, God's help.
Saturday, August 25
Paralysed Gaza girl faces uncertain future
Posted by mcfedr at 10:05 pm 0 comments
Friday, August 24
Child star wins university place
Yea, and unfortunatly its not me...but how crazy is this...9 year old kid goes to uni...for free an' all...surely not good for his real life..
but hey...something for the facebook readers...
Posted by mcfedr at 9:45 pm 0 comments
Tuesday, August 21
The Black Button
Can't remember if i already posted this, but its really good, so check it out if you havn't already seen it...
Posted by mcfedr at 9:26 pm 0 comments
Yea, you have noticed mention of 3 projects in the last post...thats because just before we went to Siberia, we have MI7 in Cherkassy, "The Treasures of the Heart". This is the project that for the last 7/8 months I have been planning with a team of 4 others. And I can genuinely say it was a great project, about 150 young people from around the world came everyday for a week, ran around the city searching for treasure by day, and spending the evening's finding their spiritual treasure through some inspiring worship, the like of which has never been seen in Cherkassy before, and some great talks from Dave, not that we expect any less from him ;)
There were of course some difficultly, you don't forget you are in Ukraine trying to keep the project going smoothly, but clearly God prevailed, the project went on, and for the young people there were no noticeable problems, we hope. As a team we spent everyday running around after our people, helping them to solve clue's which had seemed so simple to us, and yet seem to lose completely all our beautiful, but not so clever Ukrainian kids...
On the final day all the teams where gathered on the beach to dig up the treasure that had been buried in late February, and exciting moment for all, especially the team the won!
A few days later our foreign teams left, going home for another year, always sad, but as more and more people keep coming back there are less tears, and more just bye, see you next time...
Posted by mcfedr at 8:35 pm 0 comments
So I'm home...feeling i should write somethings, having been away for about 3 weeks...I've been to Siberia, to Irkutsk and some local villages...had an amazing time, maybe if you ask me I'll tell you all about it...
A team of 7 of us went, mostly Ukrainians, except me and Tim...the first week we were there we were running a 'camp' in a children's shelter, orphanage place. There we mostly had lots of fun, playing games, doing crafty things with the children. Ranging from about 5 to 16 it was quite a spread of different people and different needs. We talked each day about a different theme to everyone, but clearly there were different things to be done for 5 years boys and 16 year old girls. It was quite a tiering week, though really rewarding and I'm sure we made a difference, in many ways, to all the children in the shelter.
The second week we where on a real camp. Not far out of Irkutsk, but in a place with nothing, except the river and forest. We had about 25 young people in total, where cooking on a fire, staying in tents, a great way to spend time getting to know people. It turns out that only about 5/6 of the people there are non-Christians, so i think they were under quite a bit of pressure, but in a good way. Time was spent in 2 small groups, worship, various topics and talks, prayer, and just relaxing together. Everybody took there turn at getting up early and cooking, spend the day making the fire and always having tea ready...Other the course of the week much was said, and all the non-Christians said they were going to think more seriously about God, Jesus, go to church and although there was no direct calling for becoming Christians, they had defiantly been changed by the camp, it is now up to the local churches to follow that up...
We came back very tired, after 3 projects, time to get some rest, get over jet lag, having learned a lot about ourselves, how to be a leader in these types of projects, and with a new something of God.
Posted by mcfedr at 8:07 pm 0 comments