Wednesday, May 30

Some Life...


the other day i was gonna right how id been swimming in the dnipr for the first time this summer...i have since been 2 more times...its nice...i might have some pics, cant remember, if i do they will be on flickr very soon im sure...
also been to kiev, getting me a russian visa, going atraveling...going to a concert of a band i dont know very much, but also to see moscow...the red square and anything else i can find, i also get to spend about 36 hours playing cards with sanik, dasha and alyona...
was hoping to be able to go to siberia, but that is seeming less likey, at least i would need to do another, which seems like a lot of effort,is alot of im thinking no...
also need to start plans for my sea trip...
was talking to mum on skype, she finaly, ive been here about 10 months, managed to do cool, maybe we will do it again sometime...
finished watch green wing today...i love it, sanik doesnt get it at all which seems strange, its clearly more culturaly than i think...
what else...saw pirates of carabian 3, the (cherkasy) premier, last week...very cool...a nice evening...first time in the cinema here actually, its a nice place, nicer than most place's at home...unfortunatly the film was in ukrainian, a language im not so great at, but i watched it again in english today, was pretty much the same...less cool...kinda annoying, most of the films are in russian, and the one time i want to go its in ukrainian...ah well..
well thats life at the moment...going to mission impossible meeting tomorrow...always fun...cya

Fascist Fries


This from a country i feel less and less inclinded to visit...

Scary People in Scary Places


How does a guy like this get into/stay in any kind of power...
Some of his best lines

  • "There needs to be leadership from the White House because some in Congress don’t understand the complexity of these issues." - now i dont know alot about america system of goverment, but how i understand people is that a big group who argue it out probably understand anything better than a man who stuggles to speak
  • He notes that immigration has become a national security issue since 9/11 - how? wha? am i missing something, or is this guy trying jump onto the 'scarying people into voting for you' band wagon
  • "We need a league of democracies to act against Iran" - sounds good, but wait...adding that we should impose our own sanctions against Iranians outside of the U.N. - but when the league of democracies does agree without just ignore it?
  • "Our oil supply is in danger"
  • This is my personal...well the worst, most...unbelievable, when asked if he believes people deserve the right to habeas corpus - "Yes. But only Americans, not military combatants" - who votes for this guy?

Tuesday, May 29

Sunday, May 27

Admision of crapness


After years of them saying it was perfect...and everyone else saying it sucked, now they finaly admit it, windows xp is rubbish...of course, dont believe everything they say, i dont think vista has fixed all the problems, and of course there are all the problems they didnt have time to fix, and so just arnt mentioned...

Saturday, May 26

Just for reference


An interesting list, noted that its based on the regiems of hitler, mussolini etc...interesting how many parral's can be draw to modern day england, america, maybe others...(for the last point see here)
I look and imediatly start thinking ooo...but then, im not sure how much of that is new, or has always been, certainly the first few points...about goverment using fear to justify things that normaly would be unaceptable...removing human rights because 'we need to protect against...', 'they could, possibly, maybe, bombs, wmd's, terroists...'. is

but then what can we do about? maybe they are right? clearly lots of people think like that cause surely otherwise they wouldnt be in power, or maybe i should take this kind of report more seriously?

Wednesday, May 23

Coolest Haircut


most bizzare place to get haircut...

btw, ukrtelecom...ur internet is very slow today...but it might be cause i finished the first season of green wing this morning...

Iran...and all the surrounding rubbish...


This report and others like it are kinda interesting...
I think on one level i agree that iran gettting nuclear weapons is bad...but at the same time have this constant annoyance, that 'we', america, the uk, and many other nation's also have nuclear weapons, that it is compleatly hipocritical for us to be so agaisnt iran's aquisition of nuc's. But also i do wonder about iran's intentions, why, in a world that has mostly moved past the nuc, do they feel the need if they dont have some reason. Surely they know the massive problems they will have if they just want them for the sake of having them, and being an 'equal' with the west.
So i wonder what others think? should we continue to be hipocrits, or should we try to stop Iran, with quite probably bad intentions, from achieving the power gained from having the threat, which will be taken much more seriously than that of the uk, us, and russia's

Tuesday, May 22

For my jealos sister...

For my jealos sister...
Originally uploaded by fedr.
...ticket to mcr in moscow...he not even a massive fan, but it will be fun...going to moscow...going to gig...:-)

Ukrainian Campaining


I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday, she had just come back from Kiev where she had been at the lasted protest's...but the funny thing is that she says she doesnt support the issue, but was paid 80grn per day to go. She says the majority of people there are like her, just going for the money...sure there is someone who supports it, and when there are lots of people there many are genuine, but this just give you an idea of what is really behind street protests and people camping out in Kyiv...

Coming back from budapest

crazy things for those who know tom brydn, there is a guy on a bus in kiev who looks just like him...very strange...

Crazy Things...


Much going on in the world...this is just a reminder of an issue which i think has been forgotten, that the stupid people still let you walk around with a gun, there have been several recent events like this, surely some kinda ban on guns like in most countries has got to be a good idea...surel it wont compleatly get rid of gun crime, but would make a differnce.

Sunday, May 20



There have been lots of posts today, and i feel like having another to celebrate, im going to sleep now, so that is all...but maybe ill keep this up, prob not tomorrow as i will be traveling most of the day...but maybe later...i kinda like this blogging thing, would be even nicer if i knew people read this crap...

'Start pushing', passengers asked


This is would never get this from british people...

and on this note, i have, as i travel around abit, come across so many people's and place's which i like so much better than england, im really not looking forward to going back there and thinking about looking into maybe studing abroad, though it might be too late to apply...

Nice Pics


Often 'read' the news in pictures, i like here the quote, John Smith said that after 50 years it was a sad day for Annan residents, not only is john smith the most obvious fake name ever, but it seems a typical english thing, they probalby compained so much before it was there, then hated it, until now, they want to/are, knocking it down, and now its sad...

More hipocrasy from the worlds police


A short one, the artical makes the point, but some needs to be done about this, its not right...

The backward way of the world


I saw this in the morning. Its an interesting report, maybe full of lots of hype, but all the same the message seems to be a scary one, and one of a trend in this new world, full of fear and untrust. The big democracy's of the west using fear as an excuss to gather more power around one person and removing some basic rights of their people, as in the anti-terroism laws in the uk allowing people to be held for longer and longer without trial.
things like this i find more scary than actaul terroism, which seems to be more one off, and, hopfully, wont affect me. In many ways these laws are achiving the aims of 'terroists' to ruin our, fairly, peaceful lives...
I think the US's reaction to this is scary for the whole world, i think something needs to be done to stop them, the uk just ridding along with them isnt going to help. France did a good thing standing firmly agaisnt the war in iraq, and look at the bragging rights it gives them now.
Although its not going to happen, it would be good to see big organisations such as the UN, NATO, maybe the EU standing up to the US and UK, telling them they cannot break the treaties, and for them to put some force into their words, trade sanctions, exclusion from desisions, whatever it takes to make these countries realise that their authority stops at their borders.

Fedr's Music


This is cool, alittle page with some of my favourite music. Currently mostly all time favourites, but im sure to change them as i get new stuff and expand into new genres...which i seem to do alot...
Music is great, i personaly listen to music for probably, well all the time im at home, alot of the time when im traveling and some other times. Its weird to be without it, and i find it very odd when i go to peoples homes and they dont listen to music, if you come to my place there will always be music, you might even get a say in what i play. My tastes are very much influensed by my friends, but what i listen to moment to moment depends alot on how im feeling, but then the music will also affect how i feel.
I also love to play music, i, badly, play gitar (i cant even spell the word...any hints people?(i would use the spell checker, but thats for losers, i know its wrong, but just cant remember how it goes...)) and enjoy to play along to songs, and constantly to worship god. It has become really important for me, most days to sing, to play, just one or two songs sometimes, sometimes for an hour. Its always been a big part of my relationship with god.
Its funny i never used to listen to much christian music, but i listen to more and more now, certainly not exclusivly, i think that would be very sad, but sometimes it can be really great.
Well yea, thats one of the longest posts ever, from victors appartment in budapest...check out pics on flickr (see previous post...)

Saturday, May 19


Originally uploaded by fedr.
So Im in budapest...having are some pics on flickr...will add some more...
met lots of crazy people yesterday, people seem to come from all over to this univercity...going to a party later viktor's engagment party...should be fun...see ya...

Wednesday, May 16

New Website


so as the name was up for renewal i decided it would be better to get something new, abit my blog will move, to, and phoneybible will move to or something...maybe, kinda long, ok,

Sunday, May 13

Haning out at the dacher

Originally uploaded by fedr.
So recently got back from a little trip to dave's old dacher...(its a wierd thing to explain, a little house in the county...there are like big alotments outside the city, all of them have a little house thing..) was yet another ukrainian holiday, victory day...
not much to say, other than it was kinda fun, we spent the night dancing around the fire, playing cards and table tennis, abit more dancing...generaly kinda cool...
sure was tired when i came home next day, hoping to sleep early, and sanik has already invited around pep's to watch a movie...joker..

Mission Impossible 7

A little taste of what is to come...

Tuesday, May 1



как я любью морожено...шоколадный....ммм....толко был у наш 24 часовый магазин...щас скучно фильм смотрю, но с морженое все норомално...
ну споконый ночь...все